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This presentation was designed for the RMLL 2013, the “Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre” (Libre Software Meeting), that took place from the 6th to the 11th July 2013 at the ULB, in Brussels. A conference about DoudouLinux was held on Monday the 8th by the project founder, Jean-Michel Philippe. The target audience is the general public.
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- Presentation of DoudouLinux at the RMLL 2013, July, 6th to 11th 2013 in Brussels.

- Presentation of DoudouLinux at the RMLL 2013, July, 6th to 11th 2013 in Brussels.
Article table of contents
1- The computer they prefer!

DoudouLinux is a computer system:
- Maximizing ease of use
- Focused on children’s self-fulfillment
- Complete, autonomous and secured
- Designed by parents
- Based on free software
- Developed and evolving openly
- Open to any goodwill
2- Easy learning

3- Education oriented

- Educational suites (letters, numbers, logic, etc.)
- Music learning (piano, flute, rhythm)
- Discovering computer programming through play
- Games stimulating logic and strategy
- Already in use in schools
- Does not try to replace manuals and teachers!
4- Project objectives

- Ease of use and robustness of gaming consoles
- Stimulate the potential of our children
- Favor autonomy and self-confidence
- Aids in mastering Technology, read our manifesto
- A safe and secure environment
“DoudouLinux reveals to children the creative, educative, cultural and fun potential that is lying dormant inside every computer.”
5- Thoughts for children

The only limit must be the imagination!
- At last a computer, as easy as pie
- Children are learning while having fun
- They create drawings, comics, music, animation movies, game levels, etc.
- Designed to avoid risks, even with Internet
- To be shared, copied without moderation
6- Designed by parents

Designed by a community of parents for parents and their children
7- Zero conf, zero admin

Zero headaches: Plug in... Switch on... it works!
- Everything is already installed and pre-configured
- Most devices are automatically managed
- Connecting to a network is very easy
- No need for any “anti-” stuff, nothing to be cleaned
- Does not deteriorate with time
8- A universal system

- Give it a try with a live CD, or a live USB key
- Easy installation (development in progress)
- ARM™ version available (smartphone technology)
- Also runs on old equipment
- Based on Debian Linux (+20,000 software packages)
9- An international project

DoudouLinux is a project of international scope:

10- The future of the project
DoudouLinux is still starting out and is bursting with ideas!
- Digital contents (texts, illustrations, musics, photos, …)
- Favor sister initiatives
- Activities of cooperation between children
- Learning programming
- Put computers back into the real world
- Develop a community of children
11- Support us!

You too, can help us!