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This presentation is designed for Fosdem 2014 that will take place the 1st and 2nd February 2014. A lightning talk about DoudouLinux will be held on Saturday the 1st by the project founder, Jean-Michel Philippe. The title of the lightning talk is “Discover DoudouLinux live!”. The purpose is to show how DoudouLinux looks.
Click on the link “Switch to slideshow” above to display this page as a series of slides. You can also download it below as a PDF file or as an Html file (this page indeed), for offline use.
DoudouLinux is a computer system:
Children will build our future.
“DoudouLinux reveals to children the creative, educative, cultural and fun potential that is lying dormant inside every computer.”
DoudouLinux is still starting out and is bursting with ideas!
You too, can help us!
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